Friday, October 30, 2009

Ian is calm!

Good morning from misty, rainy mid Michigan!!!!!
Took Di to the dentist yesterday. She has a gum infection caused by a bad tooth but they could treat the gum but the tooth may cause further problems down the road in therapy. So, they want to extract the tooth so all the docs will convene and see what to do. Amazingly I am calm, but Di yesterday was upset about it all. Will be nice to have the weekend off. Halloween is tomorrow and as Di doesn't go shopping anymore I bought the candy. Anyhow, according to Di I have bought enough for 3 years!!!!! It is all chocolate so I really doubt that between the family it won't last pass Christmas!!!! The staff are at the hospital are all dressed in Halloween costumes!!! The receptionist looks like a bunny- I asked where her tail was- sorry am being naughty this morning but that is who I am!!! It is like one big family here, pity that it is all because of cancer. Well y'all have a great weekend and don't eat too much over Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Starbucks Date!

From Ian: Good morning. A dreary day today. Yesterday was interesting. On our return from radiation we went and bought Di some new slippers for the winter. We had 30 minutes to kill before the dentist so went to Starbucks for a coffee and sat in the car and listened to the love station on satellite radio. I felt we were on a date years back having the soft music play and talking about the good old days. Then off to the dentist. Yes there is an abscess there and after various xrays have been sent to a maxio guy. Now they can take the tooth out but are worried about the chemo and her body immune system crashing. So we go back today after oral surgeon has consulted with oncology. Poor Di was not impressed and became quiet. Anyhow she took 30 seconds to get over it and was ok in the afternoon. She struggled with some knitting and after a stiff talking to, the brain kicked in and she was off again. Otherwise a quiet day!!!! Y'all have a good day.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

If it's not one thing ...

The latest saga is we went to the dentist and there is an infection on one of the teeth. he does not want to touch it due sot the chemo and radiation. We then went to Midland Oral and Maxillofacial for Dr Skoczylas to look. He has the x-rays and will consult with the oncologist and see whether to save the tooth or take it out etc etc etc. Poor Diana was really upset and at lunch asked me if I wanted to sit next to her as she was such a nuisance etc!! I said, yes I did and I would not leave her.
She is better now but very tired after all this mornings activities. we go back to Oral guy tomorrow after radiation!!

Sun is good for the soul!

From Ian: Well it is that time of day. Di is screwed to the table and I write the blog!!!! Yesterday was an interesting day. Because of the bowel problem Di did not take the anti nausea pill. Well all was fine till lunch and the reaction came. Poor girl was having it come out in both ends!!!!! Lesson - take the mess as directed. Now before you all husband bash me, it was her decision!!! Anyhow she feels normal this morning and we take the pill. That is the nausea pill. We are taking Di to the dentist later this morning. Yesterday she complained of an abscess in her mouth. Today no problem so I said she must go and they can check it out otherwise I will have to pay for last minute cancellation. Went for a good walk yesterday. The sun is so good for the soul. Well you all have a good day.

From Blogmaster: I saw Di in the afternoon and she was keeping down crackers and green tea and felt better. While some may feel some blogs are "too much information" -- they are what Ian and Di are experiencing and what they need prayer for as well as encouragement. What was that quote about "a bitter pill?"

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sun is shining in Midland

Morning all. The sun is shining- yea!!!! Well Madam had a good day yesterday. She is still feeling fine other than being constipated which she keeps telling me about!!!!! The pill that combats the nausea can give you constipation so she hasn't taken the pill this morning. It would be great if she could do without the pill. She has also complained that she has an abscess in her mouth and then told me she does not handle this well. Well I told her we are down 2 days out of 6 weeks so she should not be feeling down yet. Guess I am on top of the world today to take care of her. I think I will take her for a walk in the sun. Thanks for all your wishes. Have a great day

Monday, October 26, 2009

Radiation begins -- Encouragement needed

From Ian: Morning from another rainy morning. We were up at 5.45 this morning so that Di could have some breakfast 2 hours before her chemo/radiation started. She then went back to bed and I started the housework, much to her annoyance. She told me to leave it but I had more energy then. Then at 8.15 we left for Mt.Pleasant for radiation -- trip was uneventful.
The weekend was fairly busy. We watched the movie 'Australia' on Friday night. We enjoyed and had a good discussion on it Saturday morning and I dreamt of the open plains of Africa and SUN. I am really struggling with trying to plan any future. The children have offered to move in to help in case Di gets bad but she won't accept that she has a bad cancer so I find it hard trying to talk about things. I am now using the tactic that should I be called from God's waiting room first how will she cope!!!
Well after the radiation we will go for her weekly blood tests. I hope all goes well in the next six weeks. Sorry I am not really in the correct mood today!!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Twists and Turns

From Ian: Greetings from a very dreary and wet Midland!!!! Had another good day yesterday. She enjoyed her quilting but felt tired on her return. I was free so went to the hardware store to buy some deer netting and then to Starbucks for a nice latte. Afternoon was uneventful and Fiona and Ryan came round for the evening.
This morning she is not so good. She is trying to write a short email to Andrew and is very frustrated as she can't spell and doesn't know the keyboard. After tears I have told her to write and I will spell check. I find it so very hard to watch how she has been reduced to this!!! We will be leaving shortly for a dummy run for the radiation and the REAL thing starts on Monday.
Roseb: I read your comments about our home on the mountain and it brought floods of memories back. We can't get rugby here. The house was constantly full of visitors and Di would always cook more as we never knew how many would be round the dinner table. All so very different here. Life is certainly full of twists and turns that we cannot anticipate.
Well I will go and help lady Di write her note.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Diana is full of beans? (Must be a British thing!)

From Ian: Morning from a wet and grey Midland. Yesterday was a great day and Diana was in good spirits. Morning was quiet but then the afternoon our priest popped in. He had just returned from Germany and we had a good time talking about that. We had been there several times to hike in the alps with the children. In the evening I had a meeting and the blog master came to visit. She came bearing gifts for Diana and I left them deep in discussion. They must have had a great evening as when I returned Di was full of beans. Can't leave 2 women alone as they get up to mischief.
We heard from the hospital and tomorrow morning we go for the dummy run. This is when they practice aiming the radiation beams. Then Monday the real thing starts.
Well u all have a good day and will report tomorrow. Shalom.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Keeping on

Morning all from a misty, wet Midland. Not much to report today. Di had a good day yesterday and was in good spirits. She helped with the laundry as she wants to do something. She still can't remember the name of the town where we live. She knows it is in Michigan, but the town she can't recall!! I managed to get out for shopping yesterday. Needless to say, I spent more money than she would have, but I always tend to find some little delicacies. Came home and we both made the muesli. She wanted to do it, but I told I HAVE to learn so we did do it together!!!
Tomorrow she has her quilters group so I am going to take her to that!!! Sorry not much to report for yesterday. Love and hugs to you all. Ian

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yes, blogs do change!

From the Blogmaster: I received a request to brighten up this blog to reflect some of Diana's favorite colors. Options were limited but we thought we'd give this a spin.

Going Bananas!

From Ian: Morning all. Well yesterday we went for the MRI. It was a smaller machine than the one in A2 (Ann Arbor-locals call it A2). Only took 20 minutes and they played soft music!! They had to interrupt it towards the end to inject some dye so that more imaging could be done. This was the dye that could cause a problem with her kidneys. Anyhow she has been drinking more fluids!!! I told her I don't want her kidneys packing up as well!!! We then returned home. I did the housework in the afternoon and she insisted to help. Anyhow after polishing the dining room table she was exhausted and I told her NO MORE!! She wants to help but gets so exhausted. I went out to the gym last night for a break and she was in tears when I returned as she thought I had left her. I told her it had only been just over an hour. Anyhow I will play that by ear as today need to go to the food store and get more fruit.
A very good friend had sent us an email on the banana. It is an amazing fruit so I have her eating them now!!! Wonders what an illness will do to a person. This morning she wanted to help with the laundry but after unloading the dryer and folding she is again exhausted, but she doesn't want to just sit all day. She gets very frustrated with herself. Well that is all the news from the little red house on the prairies!!! Y'all have a great day.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Keep Praying

From Ian: Hello from Central Michigan. Diana is currently having her third MRI, which is needed before they start the radiation. She is quite scared of the whole thing. Yesterday we went to Church and was great to see the people who clapped for Di to encourage her. Ryan and Fiona came around and one of our friends said he had too much food in the house and made a fantastic noodle dish. It was SO tasty and enough left over for another day. I was concerned yesterday that she was feeling numbness in her hand and foot. I have told the doc. This morning I found her sitting on the bed crying away. She said she was so scared.
The other thing is that today we were due fo leave for cape Town to see the family. This has also dragged her down. I have told her that we will go next year as soon as the doc gives her the ok to fly. Oh there is a possibility that her kidneys could have a problem getting rid of the dye they inject for the MRI but doc told her she MUST drink more water. I am afraid I laughed she told me to be quiet as I must be enjoying it. She drinks far foo little. Well that's it for today. Hope you all have a good week.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Carry on!

From Ian: Morning from Central Michigan

Well first day at home was a change from the hospital. Di spent most of the day resting and reading her cards. I was glad that she was able to read them slowly. I took her for a short walk to the end of the road and then had her doing exercises in the house. Fiona came around and then Ryan's mother popped in. One of the quilters also popped in. In the evening she became emotional and was crying and very angry. It is part of where the tumour is that causes the emotions. She had a good night.
This morning up early and off to Mount Pleasant we met the doc who will take care of the radiation. A real fun guy who knows all about ZA, as he calls it!!!! She is now having her mask made and then will have a cat scan and MRI so that they can get the exact spots for the radiation. Diana is feeling negative about the treatment as it is for 6 weeks and the possible side effects. I have told her that it is her only chance, other than God, so best to carry on. The pics of the family give her strength to carry on.
I have been asked for a new pic of Lady Di so will send it thru.
Y'all have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

First days home

From Ian: Morning from dreary Midland. We arrived home yesterday at about noon. It was strange to be home after all the time away. The garden looks sad after some of the frosts Midland has had. We look forward to spring!!! Di really perked up being at home and last night she needed to get knitting again (hats for cancer patients and Alaskan fisherman). Last time she had tried she just could not get it. Anyhow last night was fine and she managed a few rows. She went to bed early and had a good nights sleep. Managed the stairs okay, but I have told her she can only go on them when I am at her side or behind her. I am hoping she will get back into quilting, though until she is steady I will do the cutting of the fabric, but she can plan it. Good for her brain power!!! This morning after having breakfast she did some more knitting. I am very excited about that as it is definitely an improvement over before.
Tomorrow we leave home at 7am for her to be fitted and measured for radiation. She will have to wear a mask and be screwed down to a table, which sounds terrible, but it so that she doesn't move whilst receiving the radiation. We will then have our schedule for the next 6 weeks!!! I have told her to enjoy today.
My dear son in law found an article on brain tumours.[] I found it quite interesting and exactly what Di has been thru and what she will go thru. It is attached as some of you may find it interesting. One never knows when it will strike. Diana had not been in a hospital for 35 years or major ill and she was zapped by the worst brain cancer around!! Happy studying.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

On our way!

Well we are all packed and ready to go !!! We have to wait for the final discharge by the doc which should be at 10am. Then home and wait for the radiation to start. No date has been set yet. Yesterday was a good, bit busy day for Di. She was being checked by docs etc. We had a visit from the cancer people and given a nice bag with a host of instructions and a book of what to eat but told the lady that Di did eat healthy and still got cancer. Anyhow I am happy as we will be in the mode of a vegetarian diet with more veggies and fruit. Red meat is out!!! Sister is really upset Diana is going. I have asked the nurses to move her to the window so that she can have a view of the fall colours. We will try to get down and visit her, but all depends on Diana's schedule. She is such a sweetie.

[I forgot to tell you. We had fun the other day. The narcotics bureau arrived and wanted to search the area where sister was. The nurses told them a little old sister was there. Anyhow they had been instructed to search and search they did. Sister was in fits of laughter. I asked her if this was a new way of raising funds by getting the nuns to peddle drugs!!!!! We all had a good laugh about it.]

Well had better pack Diana's things. Hopefully next blog will be from Midland. Thank you to the blog master who is currently sunning herself in Florida bur still continues to post the blogs many thanks.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Homecoming in sight

From Ian: Morning

I am late this morning as have had a series of appointments. Di is better this morning and doing the correct things. Yesterday she was sluggish and I was concerned she had gone back. Anyhow we met with the oncology doc this morning and he said things are on track. They will set up appointments for the radiation so not too sure when that will start. We will go home with the chemotherapy tablets which are taken before radiation.

We will find out this afternoon if we are definitely going home tomorrow, but it looks like we will be. Otherwise not too much news. Will check in sometime tomorrow. Di has asked me to thank you all again for your love and support.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ian, the tour guide, slave driver, ...

From Ian: Morning earthlings

I did not write yesterday and hope you all had a good weekend. It went by so fast. Yesterday was a great sunny day in A2, as some call it. Di was slightly grouchy so got her up, showered her, put her on the wheelchair and off we went exploring. We stopped at the cafe Nd bought some lattes and a great choc chip coffee cake. Sat in the sun and looked at the fall colors. The one tree is so red. Took her to the cardiovascular centre as there is a great garden and waterfall there. Showed her where I was staying and thru some more hallways I had discovered. Then back for lunch. She was then tired and I then took Sister, her roommate, for a walk. She loved it and we discussed the art work and she also loved the fall colours. Oh yes, we had a visit from the doc to say that one of her lab tests was showing her kidney's were dry and that she needed to drink more. As a family we have always been on to her to drink more. She told him she could not as she couldn't pass water etc. He told her it was because there was nothing to pass and if she did not get her levels up she would be back on an IV. She drank more water!!!!!

In the afternoon she attempted her homework. It does distress me when she can't recognize 'hot' and I have to help her with it. She had to say what opposites were. She can get it but can't recognize it in writing. She says I am a slave driver!!!!!

Well I had better go and find her and see how she is today.
Thanks for all your love and support. We both really appreciate it

Saturday, October 10, 2009

God's Mercies Are New -- Great is His Faithfulness

From Ian: Hi there.

Today is a lovely day with the sun shining. As I walked to her room I looked at the Gardens and some of the leaves were a bright red against the green. It was so beautiful and I thought of how God's mercies are new every morning and He gives us strength to get thru the day.

Yesterday was a tough and long day. It finally finished at 5pm. Then in the evening she had homework. Very simple 4 word sentences. We also met with the psychiatrist. They think of everything here. Fiona was hear for the day which was good as she could go to all the sessions. In OT they had a group cooking session and poor Di struggled with it and to put a few things in the dish washer and to wash 2 things stressed her. This morning she woke with severe chest pains. Anyhow she buzzed the nurse and had a whole lot of tests and EKG. So far all is ok. Anyhow I got her up, showered and now she is continuing with her homework. Later she has speech therapy. I will also get her up and practice her walking. She says I am a slave driver and no peace for the wicked!!!!!!

Thanks for all your love and support.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Some progress & Rugby lives!

From Ian: Morning from misty Ann Arbor. Yesterday was fairly uneventful with most of it being filled with therapy. I have been told that one day here is equal to five days of out patient therapy. Di is walking on her own, though a bit unstable. This morning she stood to fake a shower so am proud of her. She had homework from speech and had to copy words like 'cat, sat' etc. She struggled with that and took a while. She also complains that her sight is still not that good. Fiona came down last night and I have her sitting in on therapy today. Oh yes, the staples came out. Very easily removed and did not hurt.

Last night a group of students came round from the university to help cheer up the patients. One of the was a huge football player so we had a good discussion on the merits of rugby!!! He agreed that rugby looked tougher. There is a local rugby club and apparantly a girls rugby club!!!! Anyhow, Di was a given a cap which will help cover her head. Look for a picture in the next day or so.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Keeping on

From Ian:

Morning all

Well not much to report today. Di did better yesterday though she still gets frustrated with herself and is exhausted after 4 hours of therapy. She is very determined to fight it all. Radiation was cancelled today as we will get it closer to home. The therapy will take 6 weeks and 5 days a week. They cannot use the gamma knife as the tumour has tentacles spreading through out the brain. Rather like an octopus. The staples were not taken out yesterday so hope today. A comment was made by friends that she looked good with short hair. I tend to agree. Diana's roommate is a Dominican sister. She is about 90 and has been crippled with polio. She is such a darling and reminds me of mother Theresa. I help her with eating anyhow she has her whole Monastery praying for Diana!!!

Well you all have a great day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Weeping/Homecoming in sight

From Ian: Morning from a windy Ann Arbor. Yesterday was a stressful day for Di.
The doc came and gave her the news that she has the worse type of tumour/cancer. She took it ok, however did have a weep after he left.

She then went for her first speech therapy and became very frustrated. She tries so hard. Later in the day I bought her a Latte and her hand knocked it all over the bed and floor. That was it and she burst into tears. It's hard for her.

Anyhow the good news is that we should go home next week. Then 6 weeks of radiation everyday will start and chemotherapy. The chemotherapy is a pill so will be easier to take. One good thing is that the staples in her head will be removed today.
That's all. Thanks for your concern and comments. I read them to her.

Bless you all.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Encouragement Needed

From Ian,

Morning all

I am writing this from Starbucks!!! We heard yesterday that the biopsy results had come in. Diana has glioblastoma. It is the worse type of tumour. The staples in her head should be removed tomorrow and on Thirsday we will meet with radiation and discuss treatment. She will also get a CAT scan. Life expectancy is not known as it will depend on the radiation and chemotherapy. I have not told her as do not want to get her hopes down. She is determined to fight it. Diana was very upset yesterday with the children leaving. I went out this morning to get a disability sticker for the car and then wandered into starbucks for a break. Diana has workouts in the am so not away from her. Well am sorry that this edition is not the greatest.

Biopsy Results

From Fiona: The biopsy report came back and confirmed what the doctors had already told us. Mom has a tumor called a glioblastoma and it is cancerous. They begin radiation and chemo on Thursday. They will also be doing another CT/CAT scan then and be checking the tumor to see if it has grown any. She is doing well with Therapy, but is tired at the end.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Good Weekend!

From Ian: Morning from U of M. We all had a good weekend and Di was hard at work in rehab. Was interesting to watch!! The one game was Uno and she had no idea what was going on. I am REAlly impressed with the hospital. We spoke with the surgeon this morning and the results of the biopsy should be in later today, hopefuly before Andrew and family return to Cape Town later today. Will report in later once we know what the results are.

Friday, October 2, 2009

It's a Miracle!

From Ian: We have just been chatting to a Doc who told is that they are SO pleased with Di's progress as the surgeon did not think she would make it!!!! God is good. We continue to pray for a full healing.

Pretty in Pink!

Progress! More to pray for!

From Ian: Welcome from rainy Ann Arbor. We final had Di transferred to rehab at lunchtime yesterday. She started exercise in the afternoon. The family all came last night and we had a good time in the lounge.

Today is full of work. Fiona brought some children's readers as Di is having problems reading so I will teach her when she is not in the gym. Her vision is still not good.

Radiation is scheduled to begin on Oct 8th and could take 4 to 6 weeks. We see what happens next week. If we can kill the tumour I think she could be pretty normal.

The bed next to the window has become available but I have been told for Di to move there would cost the hospital money to clean her section!!!! It would be nice for her to have a window to look out rather than a wall.

Well that is my news from U of M.

Surrounded by joy! Laura, Andrew, Rachel, Fiona, Ryan and of course, Lady Di. Where is Ian?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Is it all about Rachel????

Who needs therapy when you've got Rachel

Answer to prayer! Keep praying

From Ian: What a great day from U of M. Sun is shining.

Anyhow after our panic and various phone calls, the rehab dept have agreed to take Di. It now depends on our insurance and if a bed is available. We will know more later. She was tired and grumpy yesterday afternoon, and I needed lots of grace to help me thru the confusion. Ryan and Fiona will come and visit today. Rachel has been real good seeing that she has spent her visit to the US in a hospital. Many Thanks.