Thursday, April 22, 2010

FROM THE WEST COAST (of michigan)

I note that it is nearly a month since I last blogged. Sorry. Things are okay. Di started with hospice and we have been very impressed with them. A nurse comes once a week to take Di's vitals and chats. The doc also came to the house. We have also had a chaplain and social worker visit. They have increased the steroid meds so that she can knit and it has made a big improvement. The confusion is still there and she gets very frustrated at times [as does Ian].

We are currently in Holland on Lake Michigan (also called the west coast!). It is a nice town and all the spring flowers and tulips are out. Di is not so happy as she is out of her comfort zone. She fights with the (water) taps and not knowing where everything is. My sister is currently visiting from Cape Town.

We will go back to Midland this afternoon as that is less stressful for me. I have realized my life has changed and that I can't just go off for a walk and leave her here as Di then stresses. It is easier at home.

Well am being called for lunch so will try and write more often.