Monday, November 30, 2009

Near the end of radiation

Happy Thanksgiving to you. Well we have had the great American holiday and I have to admit that we have grown to love it. It was a nice quiet family day. Friday is known as Black Friday and the stores are open from midnight, or later. Great deals and people flock to the stores to get excellent bargains. We were lazy and resorted to 'armchair shopping' on line. We now have most of the gifts. When we had moved into the house we had given most of our decorations to Fiona. On Saturday afternoon the family came round and put up and decorated the tree for us.
We received good news that Andrew and family will be arriving Christmas eve for 10 days. It will be our first Christmas with Rachel. Di is very excited. It will be wonderful to have all of us together.
Diana is doing well, though she had the big C again. I feel so for her as she struggles and there is nothing I can do but listen to her crying etc. Well we start the radiation and continue with the chemo again, but it finishes next Monday-YEA!!!
Chat with u all tomorrow. Ian

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

5 down, 1 to go! Thanksgiving

Greetings. No news yesterday as our dear blogmaster ended up in ER with a heart condition. She is okay and back home and continuing with posting. Was a real shock as she is young and fit!!! We just never know when these things happen. Please pray for her.

Last 2 days have been much of the same. Yesterday Diana had some alignment so the day was longer and she was extremely tired afterwards. She wanted to go home and just relax.

By the evening she was OK. Well for the non Americans tomorrow is Thanksgiving and the day is treated much like we would for Christmas, but without presents. In the morning there is a large parade in new York. I enjoy watching it on TV. We will then go for lunch to Ryan's parents and have the traditional turkey and all the trimmings. We may have a snow flurry!!!! We have come to enjoy the time as it is a nice family day, and a good day to give thanks. We all get on well together. Friday no radiation so will be free for 4 days then only 6 treatments left. Di can't wait.
Well you all stay well and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Shalom Ian.

Carrying On!

Greetings from Mount Pleasant. I trust y'all had a good weekend. I apologize for the spelling in the last entry. I was watching TV as well. Guess my days of double tasking are over. Saturday Di went to the hairdresser as her hair was becoming lumpy he cleaned it up and now she has a short military cut. Suits her. We stayed at home as was misty and murky. I told her to get on our magic carpet and imagine we were on some isolated Scottish island. Yesterday we had to come for radiation, blood tests and to see the doc. Seemed strange doing it on a Sunday but as it is Thanksgiving on Thursday they wanted to get an additional day in. Later in the afternoon we went for coffee with Ryan and Fiona. This morning boring housekeeping. Di has told me that she feels irritable and to "passop" - south African word for "beware"!!!!!
She doesn't know why. She had a bad night and did not get much sleep.
Well radiation is nearly finished so will sign off till tomorrow. Ian

Friday, November 20, 2009

4 Weeks Down, 2 to Go

Morning all
Well inamorata in trouble from y nephew as he said the blog yesterday was the longest he had ever read!!!! He questioned my education and I told him that I went to the finest private school in South Africa!!!
Yesterday went ok however Diana was frustrated and after spilling a glass of water over the coffee table and floor she proceeded to scream. I feel so for her and so helpless. We watched a movie in the evening. This morning she is quiet.
She is having radiation this morning as this afternoon we go to Saginaw for the pneumonia treatment. Sunday morning we have radiation as will have a break over Thanksgiving.
Think that is all the news. Am watching 'Golden Girls' whilst waiting for Di. I do enjoy the show. It reminds me of my mother as she always watched the show.
Have a good weekend.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Di's Bucket List

In the words of Dame Edna, 'Morning Possums"
I thought I had better put finger to keyboard and get typing before you all harass me with questions!!! I arrived back home at 10.30pm on Tuesday night. Lady Di was asleep and I did not wake her. It appears that she had a good, and busy time whilst I was away. A good friend came round on Monday and Tuesday and put her to work making Christmas cookies and the likes. She enjoyed that and the female interaction. On Saturday morning another friend popped round for coffee and then came and took her to Church on Sunday.

I have noticed being away for 4 days that she has lost more hair and now has lots of 'tufts' of missing hair. It is quite different to the pic on the site. She is due to go to the hairdresser on Saturday as we wanted him to shape it, but instead Di wants it all shaved off so at least it will be uniform. I did offer to cut mine as well in support, but she flatly forbid me!!! I have noticed that she is more forgetful than before, and still walks round the kitchen sometimes trying to find the garbage can. I think it upsets me more than her. I HATE seeing her in this way. She is so determined to beat this and yesterday I was not a good support. I burst into tears and just hugged her. It was so hard to be positive at times. I missed her greatly. Otherwise radiation and chemo continues. Tomorrow we go to a neighbouring town, Saginaw, as she has to have some pneumonia inhalation drug. Midland does not do it. Her white blood cells have dropped and they are concerned about infection and the flu etc. They don't seem to want her to get the flu shot, rather the inhalation drug.

I had a good time away and was on the beach each day, all day. The water was cooler than normal but I still spent many hours wallowing in it. In my next life I think I will live on a deserted island with palm trees etc-bliss!!!!! In the evenings I was too tired and lay round the pool and looked at the stars. Anyhow the days sped by fast and I was back in the cold north. I discovered that the local hospital, where I obtained the last chemo pills had charged $1000 more than Ann Arbor or another major pharmacy. I queried and was told that was the price, and in future I should shop around. SO I said when one is sick you must come home and then sit on the phone calling all the pharmacies looking for the Best deal. I guess if that is the system one has to do it, but we are just not used to that. When you are sick you want to get the medication in you ASAP. My eyes have been opened to how the medical system runs here and I now see why the country desperately needs medical reform. What the reform is I don't know, but we need it. I read about medical tourism and many Americans are going overseas for medical treatment. It is cheaper and just as good and nice surrounds etc. Whilst Di could be in rehab in luxury I could be laying on some beach being fed by some handsome local!!!!! South Africa features on the med travel list - mm interesting!!!! All of this added to my misery. I want the best for my 'turtle dove' and Oh yesterday was just not a good day for me!!!

Today is better, the laundry is on, Di is knitting and I am writing to you all. We both love you all and are thankful for the wonderful friends and family that we have all over the planet. There was the movie, "The Bucket List", so I asked Di yesterday what would she like to do - she thought and after [a while came up with] a trip back to South Africa a cruise down the Rhine and a walk in an English country lane!!!!! Other than the walk she has expensive tastes, but we will have to wait till after the radiation etc and see what the docs say!! Their prognosis last week was not that encouraging.

I have written too much - sorry. Will check in with you all tomorrow. Love you all. Ian & Di

Friday, November 13, 2009

Another view

From the blogmaster: I have enjoyed brief weekly visits with Diana and Ian since their return to Midland. I am AMAZED at the peace that radiates from Diana. She does what she can which includes knitting hats, sewing quilt bindings, polishing the dining room table, looking at family photos and being her usual gracious self. Other then her new haircut, one would not automatically have an impression of a serious disease. Her relaxation is contagious and we enjoy chatting over a cup of tea or coffee. Their St. John's family is keeping them well supplied with dinners and they are grateful as well for the outpouring of thoughts and prayers from new and old friends. I am the most thankful that her condition has not robbed them of who they are -- delightful people. I would not have been surprised if Diana had panic or anxiety reactions when memory lapses arise in conversations -- instead she asks for help and is not embarrassed at all. Please continue to pray for Ian and Diana. Your prayers are being heard and answered. Pray for Fiona as she steps in to a caretaker role this weekend. Pray for Andrew and Laura as they make decisions and plans for visiting. Take time to thank God for his gracious provisions for the Macdougalds on this journey.

Catching Up -- 3 weeks down, 3 to go

The last 2 days have been extremely busy here. On Wednesday, we drove over 300 miles. Di had radiation in the morning and then we drove to Ann Arbor. On arrival at the Cancer Center Di had her blood taken. She is getting good at that and automatically exposes her arm. Then upstairs, register, weighed and waited. We were then escorted down the hall into a room. It is like a hotel with very nice doors, carpeting etc. After a while a doc came and gave Di a very intense examination. In some areas there had been no improvement, but others showed improvement.
Then we had to wait 90 minutes for the famous cancer guru!!!! He was very gracious and spoke with us and was glad with Di's progress. We then left. I suggested a nice meal, but Di was tired so we drove home, arriving 7.40pm. A long day, had some food and she went to bed. Again I cannot give you any news as to what happens next. We continue with the radiation and chemo for another 3 weeks. Then a further trip to Ann Arbor for doc visit plus some treatment for pneumonia as she will be open to that. I asked if we could travel, thinking of a visit to SA.
The big problem is thrombosis and sitting on a plane for so long is not good. She would have to walk around every 2 hours so the doc advised against it. We will listen to the doc!! So life continues. The latest problem is trying to get her medication. She is on a strong dose of chemo and they cannot find it in our local town, so the pharmacy will have to ship it in.
I am going to break for 4 days so the blog will continue on Wednesday.
Do not worry if you don't see a new episode. It is because I am taking a break and Fiona will be moving in to take over the care.
See you next week and have a great weekend. Ian

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Diana is doing better than Ian!

Evening all. I am writing this on Tuesday night. Today has been a stressful day for me, but Di has had a good day. Yesterday she helped with the housework and did the most she has done since being under the weather. On Mondays we see the doc and have blood work. Doc was happy with the progress. He has a great wit and we talk more about other matters than cancer. He asked when I had last hugged Di!!! I had to give her a 2 minute hug in front of him and he told me that I needed to hug her more. We were in fits of laughter. There are a lot of misconceptions around how to treat a cancer patient. He was telling me that she was under more threat from the public than they her. One cannot get cancer from her. It helped to relax things. Today I was stressed trying to deal with medical insurance. Too many calls and waiting with music playing in the background. Always get frustrating as a lot of the numbers have a computer that you talk with. Well I have an English/South African accent and that confuses the computer and it keeps asking to repeat the question. In the end I lost it and screamed down the line only to be told by it that if I were finished I could hang up!!!!!! Ggrrrrr. Life used to be much easier. the US needs medical reform desperately!!!! You need a PhD in understanding all of it. Went to a Worship comm meeting tonight which was good as got my mind off things. Well tomorrow we will drive around Michigan for about 6 hours in total for radiation and then down to Ann Arbor for tests and then a visit to the chief cancer doc!!! I will be glad when it is over and we are back home.
Well think that is all. I will write either tomorrow night or Thursday.

Monday, November 9, 2009

One-third of the way through radiation!

I have been asked why I don't blog everyday. Thank you for all the people who faithfully look and follow our lives. I don't blog everyday as there is not much to say!!

We had a good weekend and the weather was brilliant. Sun and warmth. On Saturday I took Di for a drive to one of the small lakes near us, Wixom Lake. We drove around and looked at the houses on the lake shore. Very nice and neat. I would love to live on the water, oh well!! We passed some farmers who were harvesting their sugar beets. I am interested in all the large farming equipment. Yes, me who was the New York boy now enjoys the country and farms. Diana enjoyed the drive. Because her right side sight is extremely limited I have to give her warning when to look on the right so that she can turn her head and focus.

A friend told me about an article in the paper about a Church that uses dogs as evangelism tool. I had said that dogs is a good way to meet people. In New York one goes to the dog park and many relationships have started there thru the dogs!!! So why cant it work in a Church setting!! [follow this link for the AP story ]

Anyhow yesterday went to Church and again a walk in the afternoon. Di has been in good spirits. Today and tomorrow are quiet days with just the usual radiation and chemo. I had better get moving as Monday is housework day!! I crack the whip and Di has the dining table to polish. After that she will be tired. You all have a good day. Ian & Di

Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 2 down

Morning all. I am writing this at 8.52am and the temp outside is 27F!!! I have heard that over the weekend it will be in the 60s. Heat wave!!! Saw 3 deer walk past our fence this morning!! That season again. Yesterday was an uneventful day and all went according to plan.
Diana visited the radiation and then we went for a drive thru to Bay City, the home of Madonna!! Looked at the water and drove back. We watched a movie about 4 English ladies taking an holiday in Italy. Time frame was the early 1900s. A typical Di movie. Slow moving and very British. I don't think the children will enjoy it so will return it.
Today is the dentist to check on her wound. He should be happy as I have had no complaints from lady 'Jane'. Not much planned for the weekend. I hope you will have a great weekend. Ian

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It all works out!

What a great day - the sun is shining. Also another reason to be happy is that Di's BIG C problem has been resolved. The last 2 days have been difficult and yesterday afternoon she felt like departing and I felt like running away. She had taken all her meds and nothing happened. Well eventually it all worked last night and this morning she is feeling several pounds lighter and much better. It had been 8 days since any bowel movements. A friend, whom has gone thru radiation and chemo, said it was like a black hole to her. We can totally agree with that. Nothing prepares you for what each day brings. Well today is another day and we move on. Thankfully her tooth seems to be healing nicely as I don't think we could cope with any complications there. The staff etc at the Mount Pleasant Hospital are so nice and going there is like going to see friends. Very friendly and nice homely surroundings. I need to sort the recycling out as the pile in the garage is annoying me!! Well no further news as the last 2 day were rather "sh " !!! [NO PUN INTENDED]
Love you all. Ian

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Drive across the English Channel -- another example of British humour

Good day to you all. Well yesterday turned out to be a big day. We had radiation in the morning, then the weekly blood test. That all went well. The dentist in the afternoon took one tooth out as the other one was still ok. Diana was exhausted by the evening but insisted on watching her best show, Top Gear. Real interesting -- she has no interest in cars but loves the programme. It was a funny one with the drivers trying to drive across the English Channel. Was good for her as she laughed. Then bed and she had 10 hours sleep. Now today we are sitting at the family physician to keep him up to date with what is going on. Radiation has now been moved to the afternoon. Evey 30 minutes I am reminded about her constipation. She can tell the doc and he can hear about it all. She has hidden the scarfs and gloves away so that is today's project to look for them. Grrrrrrrrr - frustration. At least her tooth is not hurting so I really pray that will be okay and heal. Well the doc will be calling us soon. U all have a good day.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Visitor from the East

A very good morning to you all. I heard this morning that on Wednesday we may have rain and snow!!!! NO! Too early. Ws had a big surprise over the weekend. My cousin, from the UK, had a meeting in Chicago this morning so decided fo make a detour to visit us. He arrived early hours on Saturday and left yesterday afternoon. We had a good time talking and wAs special for Diana. Had lots of laughs and gave him a tour of the area, to which he replied, "is that all". Took him to Bay City and showed him the lake, which should be called a sea. Saturday evening the family came around and we had a good time being entertained with stories of life with the rich and famous!!! Di was in good spirits and enjoyed the time. Yesterday I found her in tears and the rest of the day she was extremely quiet. She said all was fine. Not sure if she was exhausted from Saturday or not. This afternoon she will have 2 teeth extracted. I hope the area will heal quickly. I do feel for her as she puts on a brave face. Anyhow watch this space for the report back tomorrow bu all have a great day. Love Ian & Di.